Thursday, March 13, 2014

Note Card Tutorial

My very first tutorial was quick and easy just as the project itself was. So, here we go..

These little cards are so cute and you could use them as little love notes or as gift tags.

Patterned paper for the shapes
Plain card stock for card base
Silhouette  Machine
Silhouette shapes - I used Design ID #45052 for the butterfly
Sewing machine and thread

1. Cut the plain card stock into small note card bases. Size does not matter but I wanted mine to be square so I made my base 2.75" x 5.5". I was able to get 6 cards out of one 8.5" x 11" sheet.

2. From the patterned paper cut three of the same shape for each note card you wish to make. You can make them all the same pattern or mix them up. I used a butterfly and a star, but any symmetrical shape would work.

3. Fold each card in half just to define the front and back. Reopen the card. Stack three of the same shape on the center front of one card. Stitch down the center of your shapes.

4. Trim your threads and poof out your shapes a bit by bending the top two shapes upward a little.


  1. Anita, those cards are VERY cute. Thanks for doing a tut on them!! Great job!

  2. Hi Anita,
    Your cards are oh so cute! Great job on your first tutorial, quite easy to follow along!
    Peace, Love and Joy,
